Project summary
A strengths-based, social research study into the experiences with and health needs relating to COVID in three Aboriginal communities in NSW.
What is the issue for NSW?
There is currently no research evidence about how the COVID-19 threat is understood and experienced by Aboriginal communities in NSW, although we know from data in the USA and UK that infections and deaths are more common in minority communities.
In addition, NSW which contains the largest population of Aboriginal people in Australia, meaning that responses to COVID must be rapid, effective and community-led. This project uses strengths-based methods to provide basic social and behavioural information that characterises levels of knowledge about COVID, current prevention strategies, and the health needs of
communities in urban and regional locations.
What does the research aim to do and how?
The research uses qualitative peer-led interviewing methods to describe prevention knowledge, control strategies, and health service needs in two metropolitan and one regional Aboriginal community in NSW.
The project takes a strengths-based approach which asserts that Aboriginal communities know what is best for themselves in addressing the COVID-19 threat and are already implementing strategies to protect themselves. Strengths-based approaches are essential producing evidence that is relevant and meaningful to Aboriginal communities.
More information
Local connections to reveal how Aboriginal communities stay healthy during the pandemic