NSW Health and Medical Research

Research Administration Awards 2024

Celebrating Research Administrators across NSW Health

The Research Ethics and Governance Unit (REGU) is proud to be sponsoring a range of activities over the month of September to highlight the important work that is done by our Research Administration teams.

Across NSW Health we have a highly skilled workforce of over 100 Research Administrators who all play a crucial role in ensuring our patients have access to high quality research and clinical trials.

A message from the Minister for Medical Research the Hon. David Harris to all NSW Health Research Administrators

Congratulations Finalists and Winners

Finalists for the inaugural NSW Health Research Administrator Awards 2024 were announced in early September.

Award 1: The person, voted by the research community, for providing excellent customer service


  • Monique Macara​, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District​
  • Yin Wang, Central Coast Local Health District​ (WINNER)
  • Diana Stephens, Mid North Coast Local Health District​

Award 2: The Person, as voted by peers, for leadership and sharing knowledge in support of other research administrators​


  • Rebecca Lavery, Northern New South Wales Local Health District (WINNER)​
  • Janelle Thomas, Murrumbidgee Local Health District​
  • Lucia Smith, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network​ (WINNER)

Award 3: Innovation in the streamlining and support of the review and management of quality applications​


  • Research Governance Mandatory Pre-Submission meetings, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network​, Melizza Aniciete, Meera Heidary, Allison Mathey
  • Audit Preparation Tool for mandatory audits, Sydney Local Health District​, Louise Ford, Akila Dharmendar, Yelena Fridgant,
    Merela Ghazal​
  • SupporTIng quaLity EThics & Timely respOnses (STILETTO), Hunter New England Local Health District​. Sarah Moberley, Debbie Madden and Lisa Woseen

Award 4: Early career Research Administrators Award


  • Parivash Eftekhari​, Calvary Mater Newcastle​
  • Kate Sutherland​, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District​
  • Smriti Robert​, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network​ (WINNER)
  • Marissa Mancuso​, Royal Rehab​
All winners and finalists with member of OHMR at the awards presentation

Congratulations to all winners and finalists

NSW Health Administrator Awards 2024 - Voting closed

This year we will celebrate the inaugural NSW Health Administrator Awards with four awards that recognise areas of customer service, innovation and leadership.

The prize for each award is a 3-day ticket (valued over $2,000) to the 2025 ARCS conference for professional development and networking.

Winners will be announced on 27 September during the Ethics and Governance Roundtable.

Award Criteria
NSW Health Research Administrator Award 1:

Voted by the research community for providing excellent customer service

Vote here for Award 1

Voting for Award 1 closes 30 August 2024

This award is for a staff member that has demonstrated excellent customer service. Anyone who has had a positive experience with one of our research offices is welcome to vote in this award, including researchers, coordinators, sponsors, CROs, universities, and anyone who has engaged with a NSW Health Research Office.

We encourage everyone to share the award 1 voting link with their professional contacts.

NSW Health Research Administrator Award 2:

Voted by peers for showing leadership and consistently sharing knowledge and support to other research administrators

Vote here for Award 2

Voting for Award 2 closes 30 August 2024

This award is for those employed in a Research Office across NSW Health to thank someone from another Research Office in NSW Health for their leadership, support and knowledge. This award isn’t just for senior managers, it is to recognise anyone from another office because anyone can show leadership!

Voters cannot vote for someone in their own office.

NSW Health Research Administrator Award 3:

Nominate your Research Office for demonstrating innovation and leadership

Nominate here for Award 3

Nominations for Award 3 close 2 August 2024

This is an opportunity for Research Offices to promote all the amazing work you do! Submit a project, resource or activity that you have implemented in the last 24 months which has improved service to your stakeholders.

If you’re external to NSW Health, download a copy of the nomination form and send to ehnsw-regis@health.nsw.gov.au.

NSW Health Research Administrator Award 4:

Nominate an Early-career Research Administrator for excellence in customer service

Nominate here for Award 4

Nominations for Award 4 close 2 August 2024

This award is for a staff member that has started in a Research Administrator role in the last 24 months and has shown a commitment to enabling research through outstanding customer service.

If you’re external to NSW Health, download a copy of the nomination form and send to ehnsw-regis@health.nsw.gov.au.

History of Research Administrator Appreciation Day

The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) submitted National Research Administrator Day in August 2015. September 25 was declared officially as National Research Administrator Day (USA). Since then, many research institutions internationally have adopted Research Administrator Day making it a globally recognised day.

Nationally, Public Health Organisations are reporting difficulties in attracting and retaining high quality employees to Research Administration Roles. Research Administration is a vocation that is widely taught on the job with no formal education or career pathways. Research Administration attracts a diverse range of disciplines, backgrounds and experiences. 

By celebrating our people on Research Administrator Day we can showcase Research Administration as a reputable profession and inspire others in the process to explore opportunities within NSW Health.

Find your next role in the public sector

Updated 5 months ago