NSW Health and Medical Research

Waratah Vaccine Trial Alliance

Multiple organisations

Date Funded:
  • 7 October, 2020

Project summary

A multidisciplinary collaboration of leading and emerging clinical vaccine trial researchers, consumers and other stakeholders.

What is the issue for NSW?

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted an urgent need to have the capability and infrastructure in NSW to attract and conduct vaccine trials for the benefit of the NSW community, including potential COVID-19 vaccines.

The Alliance will establish NSW as a premier site in Australia for vaccine trial research and support COVID-19 related vaccine clinical trials and beyond.

The Alliance will also work towards scaling up clinical vaccine trials by engaging:

  • all NSW LHDs/Sydney Children’s Hospital Network
  • private health system
  • community health services
  • General Practice and
  • aged care facilities including rural, remote and regional areas.

What does the research aim to do and how?

  • The Waratah Vaccine Alliance will be a centralised ‘one-stop-shop’ for industry and investigators interested in conducting vaccine trials in NSW.
  • The Alliance will ensure:
    • Collaboration of all NSW vaccine stakeholders in a coordinated approach to vaccine development
    • Centralised coordination node for industry and investigators to conduct a vaccine trial in NSW.
    • Increase access to clinical vaccine trials for the population of NSW
    • Improved trial conduct and population health outcomes
    • Provide a forum for consumer involvement and
  • Produce the next generation of clinical vaccine trialists.