Project summary
System to enable evaluation of tear film problem.
What is the issue?
The tear film, a thin moist layer spread over the front of the eye by blinking, is essential for visual acuity and maintaining healthy eyes. Tear film problems occur in more than 15% of the population and if not diagnosed early, the condition progresses leading to diminished vision and constant, debilitating pain. Tear film problems have various causes including environmental factors, using glaucoma medications, wearing contact lenses and having surgical procedures on the eye. In addition, ophthalmologists need certainty that the tear film is healthy before cataract surgery so that post-operative recovery is rapid and that the replacement lens has the correct power.
What does the technology aim to do?
The pervasive problem is that current diagnostic tests are imprecise, time consuming, and often diagnosis is a best guess. Hence many patients are misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed, receive no treatment or the wrong treatment, and in addition the effect of the treatment cannot be monitored.
To address this problem, Beyond 700, a local start-up, has developed the TearView® system. This system allows clinicians for the first time to see the formation and integrity of the normally ‘invisible’ tear film. The TearView® system is in pilot production, and clinical evaluations of over 200 patients have demonstrated that with TearView® not only can clinicians diagnose tear film problems quickly and with certainty, but also they can objectively monitor the effects of treatment. This saves significant clinical time by replacing the current unreliable and time consuming diagnostic tests and improves outcomes for patients allowing them to return to a normal life, faster.
The TearView® system has been developed by Beyond 700 in consultation with eye care specialists as an add-on to the existing equipment. It is based on the latest infrared technology and includes bespoke software that is intuitive to use and readily integrates with the clinician’s work flow. Two patent families protect the technology and methodology. One patent has been granted in Australia while the second, in the PCT phase, has been examined.