The Sweet Smiles project aims to reduce the amount of sugar sweetened beverages consumed by children and adolescents, by targeting parents and children using public dental services in Northern NSW.
The project will investigate whether brief interventions delivered to children and parents by oral health staff will decrease children’s sweet drink intake, and whether these interventions will result in referrals to Go4Fun and the Get Healthy Information & Coaching Service.
The brief intervention training and format, accompanying hard/online resources, data collection instruments, referral pathways and their incorporation into children’s records, will all be available to use in the scaling up phase following the project’s completion in Northern NSW. The Translational Research Grants Scheme funding will enable the development, supporting resources and thorough evaluation of the project.
Collaborators: Northern NSW Local health District (Oral Health and Health Promotion teams), NSW Centre for Oral Health Strategy, NSW Office for Preventive Health, North Coast University Centre for Rural Health