Project summary
First test worldwide which simultaneously detects a sexually transmitted infection (Mycoplasma genitalium) together with antibiotic resistance.
What is the issue?
Antibiotic resistance in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a growing public health issue. STIs have the potential to become the first incurable bacterial infections since the introduction of antibiotics.
What does the technology aim to do?
To address this looming issue, SpeeDx has developed the ResistancePlus product line. These innovative diagnostic tests detect bacterial infection and genetic markers for antibiotic resistance in a single test.
The benefits of combining the testing of antibiotic resistance and detection of sexually transmitted infections include:
(i) patients receiving the correct treatment
(ii) expedited notification of sexual partner(s)
(iii) reduced health care costs
(iv) halting the spread of antibiotic resistant infections
(v) maintaining the efficacy of antibiotic treatment (antibiotic stewardship).
SpeeDx has commercialised the first test worldwide which simultaneously detects a sexually transmitted infection (Mycoplasma genitalium) together with antibiotic resistance. This test enables complex diagnostic information to be obtained from a single, cost-effective, and rapid test, guiding treatment decisions and supporting the antibiotic stewardship of important front-line drugs. Already the benefits are being seen in clinics accessing the tests, with demonstrated improvements in patient cure rates and reduced infection times
Company contact
Colin Denver
(02) 9209 4170