Advance Care Planning is a process of reflection, discussion and communication that enables a person to plan for their future medical treatment, for a time when they are not competent to make, or communicate, decisions for themselves.
Research demonstrates that hospital wards are not ideal setting for Advance Care Planning because decisions made when acutely unwell in an unfamiliar setting could markedly differ from decisions made when people are in a stable condition in their usual environment. Outpatient clinics are therefore better places to have these discussions. However, there is a lack of training and support for outpatient clinic staff to identify patients who may benefit from Advance Care Planning discussions, and facilitate the Advance Care Planning process.
This study aims to conduct a randomised controlled trial to assess if facilitated Advance Care Planning intervention can provide positive outcomes in improved patient care.
Collaborators: Sydney Local Health District, University of Sydney (Centre for Education and Research on Ageing, Academic Sydney Medical School), Concord Hospital (Aged, Chronic Care & Rehabilitation), NSW Ministry of Health (Office of the Chief Health Officer, Integrated Care Branch), Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network, NSW Ambulance Service, University of NSW, Alzheimer’s Australia (NSW)