Project summary
Elucidation of clotting mechanisms that cause cardiovascular disease and discovery of new more effective and safer drugs to prevent and treat.
What is the issue for NSW?
Professor Beng Chong is a haematologist who is renowned internationally for his research in clotting and bleeding disorders. Clotting of arteries causes heart attacks and stroke. The current concept of clotting is rapidly changing away from the traditional view that clot comprises only platelets and fibrin.
What does the research aim to do and how?
New research shows white cells and a network of DNA acting as a scaffold for clot formation is essential for clotting. Professor Chong’s research will produce new knowledge of clotting mechanisms and will provide ideas for new research resulting in discovery of new drugs that are more efficacious and safer as they will cause less bleeding.
These drugs will undergo clinical trials to test their efficacy and safety. If successful, treatments with these new drugs will improve patient outcomes.
The team will collaborate with other clinicians, policy-makers, patient-advocacy groups, industry and the media, to facilitate translation of the new treatment into practice and policy.