NSW Health and Medical Research

Bundled Catheter Care approach: an intervention study

Hunter New England Local Health District

  • Translational Research Grants Scheme
Date Funded:
  • 31 August, 2016
Chief Investigator/s:
  • Wendy Watts
  • Professor Michelle Giles

A new model of care aimed at reducing Indwelling Urinary Catheter use has been developed and piloted in a small study in Hunter New England Local Health District. The care model is based upon ‘bundled catheter care intervention’ – an integrated set of evidence-based practices and steps aimed at reducing Indwelling Urinary Catheter use and catheter insertion duration times within the hospital setting.

The aim of the Translational Research Grants Scheme funding is to trial and evaluate this promising pilot study on a much larger scale – to generate the evidence that the pilot findings are consistent and benefits scalable in wider application. Project data will inform statewide implementation strategies and improve practice and outcomes related to urinary catheter care. Evidence in relation to populations and individuals most at risk can be captured so that resources and education can be targeted to areas of greatest need.

Collaborators: Central Coast Local Health District, Clinical Excellence Commission, Agency for Clinical Innovation, University of New England, University of Newcastle, Hunter Medical Research Institute