Inaugural Clinical Trials Workshop
Last week we held our inaugural MDCTP Clinical Trials one-day workshop at Australian Technology Park. The workshop has been designed for medical entrepreneurs, researchers and clinical staff who want to understand more about the steps involved in developing a clinical trial from idea through to protocol.
The one-day workshop was developed in collaboration with Southern Star Research and Cicada Innovations. Concepts explored throughout the day included:
- regulations governing clinical trials in Australia
- setting up a clinical trial – insight into clinical trial protocols, site and clinical research organisation selection, ethical approval, budgeting and contracts
- medical device vigilance in the context of clinical trials
- biometrics departments and why you need them
- key roles and responsibilities
- what you need to effectively resource a study
- hints and tips on where to find funding to get your trial off the ground.
The course was well attended and over-subscribed highlighting the interest and need for similarly focused workshops in the future.
To keep up to date with the latest information on Workshops planned for 2019, subscribe to our newsletter below or follow us on Twitter.
Updated 1 month ago