NSW Health and Medical Research

Data tools and resources

This information aims to help you access, understand and use key NSW data tools and resources

This page provides an overview, links and information on available datasets for the following key NSW data tools and resources:

  • HealthStats NSW (open access)
  • Cancer Statistics NSW (open access)
  • Healthcare Observer (open access)
  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare hospital data (open access)
  • Bureau of Statistics (open access)
  • Bureau of Crime Statistics (open access)
  • Mental Health Commission of NSW (open access)
  • Analytics Assist (restricted access)
  • Other NSW Health reports (open access).

Healthstats NSW


HealthStats NSW is an interactive application that allows users to freely access data and tailor reports about the health of the NSW population. The data covers a range of health risk factors, diseases, locations, and specific populations.

Site url



Containing over 200 indicator groups and more than 70,000 available views, this data tool provides information on:

  • the health status of the NSW population
  • health inequalities and the determinants of health
  • the major causes of disease and injury and current health challenges
  • trends in health and comparisons between age groups and geographic locations.



Cancer Statistics NSW


The Cancer Institute NSW manages a number of registries and data collections. The data collected helps form the basis of new prevention strategies, treatments and methods of care that will lead to better outcomes for cancer patients, the health system, and the people of NSW.

Site url



Comprehensive data about cancer in NSW.




Healthcare Observer


The Bureau of Health Information produces independent reports and information about the performance of the healthcare system in NSW. The Bureau’s online data portal, Healthcare Observer, provides details about healthcare performance in specific hospitals, facilities and local health districts from reports and patient surveys, as well as details on ambulance activity and performance in NSW.

Site url



Information about the performance of the NSW healthcare system including Aboriginal health, Ambulance performance, Child health, Chronic disease, Deaths, Elective surgery, Emergency department, Emergency department performance, Hospital, Surveys



Australian Institute of Health and Welfare hospital data


The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare produces high-quality reports and other information products, on key health and welfare issues in Australia. These are used to improve the delivery of health and welfare for Australians.

Site url



National information and data about hospitals including Aboriginal health, Alcohol and other drugs, Cancer, Child health, Chronic disease, Deaths, Demography, Elective surgery, Emergency department, Emergency department performance, Hospital, Infectious diseases, Mental health, Mothers and babies, Non-admitted, Perinatal, Surveys, Tobacco.



Australian Bureau of Statistics


The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia’s national statistical agency, providing trusted official statistics on a wide range indicator of importance to Australia. The Bureau’s purpose is to inform Australia’s important decisions by partnering and innovating to deliver relevant, trusted, objective data, statistics and insights.

Site url



Wide range of economic, social, population and environmental data.



Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research


The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research is an agency within the Department of Justice established in 1969. The Bureau aims to identify factors that affect the distribution and frequency of crime; identify factors that affect the effectiveness, efficiency or equity of the NSW criminal justice system; ensure that information on these factors and on crime and justice trends is available and accessible to our clients.

Site url



Collection of significant crime, court and custody datasets including information on alcohol and other drugs.




Mental Health Commission of New South Wales


The Mental Health Commission of NSW is working to increase the amount and quality of data on mental health. It is doing this through strategic projects with the Australian Bureau of Statistics, universities, the NSW Government and others to develop and analyse new data-sets or to link existing ones.

The Commission has created a suite of interactive presentations and snapshots to make mental NSW health-related data more accessible to consumers, academics and the whole community, supporting research and advocacy to improve mental health outcomes.

Site url



Mental health



Analytics Assist


Analytics Assist is designed to help NSW Health employees find and use statewide data and related information to drive improved health outcomes and health system performance. Analytics Assist is a one-stop-shop for NSW Health employees looking for data, key reports, data analytics platforms and apps, and related training. Analytics Assist is an initiative of the NSW Health Analytics Framework, which envisions transformed health through data and insights. The Analytics Assist service was first released in April 2018.

Site url

Analytics Assist can be accessed through the NSW Health statewide intranet.


Enables users to navigate a range of data and related information within a single place and find training resources on how to use these assets.


Restricted to NSW Health employees.

Other NSW Health reports


Explore the NSW Health website for a broad range of publications and reports on the NSW health system

Site url




Updated 4 months ago

Scientia Clinical Research's study participant facilities