NSW Health and Medical Research

REducing cardioVascular and kidnEy RiSk in people with diabEtes (the REVERSE study).

The George Institute for Global Health/UNSW

  • Cardiovascular Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant
Date Funded:
  • 28 November, 2023
Chief Investigator/s:
  • Associate Professor Min Jun

What is the issue for NSW?

Diabetes and its complications, including heart and kidney disease, are leading causes of disability and death in Australia and globally. Diabetes has a greater impact and burden in lower socioeconomic communities, where access to care is most challenging. In NSW, the western regions of Sydney are a major diabetes epicentre, encompassing 7 of the 10 diabetes hotspots in the state. Studies have shown there to be a lack of coordination and integration of primary and specialist care services causing a major barrier to providing the best care to people with diabetes. Bridging these gaps, by a cardiovascular nurse coordinator, may help to provide better care for people and improve health in disadvantaged areas and reduce cardiovascular and kidney disease.

What does the research aim to do and how?

This project aims to develop, test and apply a new care approach for people with type-2 diabetes in areas of NSW that are identified as diabetes hotspots. This new care approach will be centred around a dedicated cardiovascular nurse coordinator role who will seek to bridge the gaps and barriers between primary and specialist health services. The role will focus on patient management planning, improving communications between primary care and other specialists, and providing support to general practices. The project will test the effects of these strategies to determine which approach improves patient outcomes better.