NSW Health and Medical Research

Cardiovascular Senior Scientist Grants

These Grants are being offered as part of the 2018 funding boost to cardiovascular disease research in NSW.

The NSW Cardiovascular Research Capacity Building Grants Program aims to increase the number of high-quality cardiovascular researchers in NSW and increase the national and international competitiveness of cardiovascular researchers in NSW.

The NSW Cardiovascular Senior Scientist Grants are aimed at suitably qualified researchers who are at least 10 years post-PhD and who are working in the field of cardiovascular disease.

Apply now

A total of $6 million is available for the inaugural funding round. Approximately 60 per cent of this funding will be allocated to biomedical discovery research and 40 per cent to clinical, health services and population health research.

Funds up to $250,000 per year will be offered for the 3-year duration of the grant.

Key dates

Expressions of Interest open 20 September 2018

Expressions of Interest close 7 November 2018

If you are ready to apply, download the Expression of Interest form below.

Before you apply

The NSW Cardiovascular Disease Senior Scientist Grants Application Guidelines contain further information about the application process, objectives of the grant, eligibility and selection criteria, selection process and reporting requirements.

Knowledge translation resources

Applicants may find the following publication useful in considering knowledge translation activities:

  1. Pozen, H. Kline, Defining success for translational research organizations. Sci. Transl. Med. 3, 94cm20 (2011).

Gannon, Frank. “The Steps from Translatable to Translational Research.” EMBO Reports 15.11 (2014): 1107–1108. PMC. Web. 16 July 2018.

Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence. Milat AJ, Newson R, and King L. Increasing the scale of population health interventions: A guide. Evidence and Evaluation Guidance Series, Population and Public Health Division. Sydney: NSW Ministry of Health, 2014. http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/research/Pages/scalability-guide.aspx

Ruppertsberg AI, Ward V, Ridout A, Foy R. The development and application of audit criteria for assessing knowledge exchange plans in health research grant applications. Implementation Science 2014;9:93.  http://www.biomedcentral.com

Frequently asked questions

Answers to a number of frequently asked questions are provided here for potential applicants. Please see the Guideline to Applicants for more detailed information on the requirements of the scheme.


Does the research project have to focus on cardiovascular disease?

Yes. The Senior Scientist must conduct research in cardiovascular health.

Is the Senior Scientist required to work in New South Wales to be eligible to apply?

Yes. The Senior Scientist must reside in or plan to move to NSW for work in a Local Health District (LHD), Medical Research Institute, university or not-for-profit organisation based in NSW.

What constitutes a Senior Scientist?

A Senior scientist has been working in their field for 10 years or more following their postdoctoral award.

Can one individual apply for funding for more than one project?

Individuals may apply for funding for more than one research project. Consideration will be given to the workload (full-time equilivant) of individuals applying for funding for more than one project.

Is the Senior Scientist required to have a permanent ongoing position in the Host Organisation?

No. The Senior Scientist may be a temporary employee of the Host Organisation. The overarching purpose of CVD Senior Scientist Grants is to drive discoveries with the long term aim of improving wellbeing and health outcomes across NSW. The Senior Scientist should be employed for the duration of the project.

Does the Senior Scientist have to be an Australian citizen?

The Senior Scientist must be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or have an appropriate working visa for the full term of the grant. Clinical Scientists who are neither Australian citizens nor permanent residents must provide evidence of residency status and the right to remain in Australia for the duration of the funding period.

Host/Research Organisation

Who is the Host Organisation?

The Host Organisation is the NSW Public Health Organisation, medical research institute, university or not-for-profit organisation who employs the Senior Scientist.

Does the Host Organisation have to be based in NSW?

Yes. The Host Organisation must be based in NSW.

If successful, who enters in to the funding agreement?

The Host Organisation will enter in to the funding agreement and deliver funds to the Senior Scientist.


How much funding is available?

$6 million ($2 million for each year).

What is the maximum amount available per grant?

Up to $250,000 per year, per grant totalling $750,000 for the total grant over 3 years.

What can the grant funding be used for?

Cardiovascular Disease Research projects or programs and can cover a combination of salaries of the research team (clinical and/or non-clinical), consumables, equipment and other research infrastructure.

Are there restrictions of where funds can be spent?

Yes. Funds must not be spent on capital works, general maintenance costs, organisational infrastructure or overheads, telephone/communication systems, basic office equipment, such as desks and chairs, rent and the cost of utilities.

If successful, can the grant be used for infrastructure support?

No. The Research Organisation must provide the appropriate infrastructure support for the research project, including wet/dry lab space, computer equipment, desk space etc.

If successful in receiving funds from another grant program, can the Senior Scientist accept both grants?

Yes. Research that leads to high quality applications and results in additional funding will be an expected outcome for successful Senior Scientist Grant recipients.

Knowledge translation

What is meant by knowledge translation?

Knowledge translation is the exchange of information discovered through research in to a certain area that will benefit others who are likely to use the research findings.

How will the Senior Scientist maximise knowledge translation?

Early engagement of research and translation partners is advised for meaningful co-production of research. This will most likely generate higher impact research that is directly relevant to clinical, health service and population health in NSW.

What is included in a knowledge translation plan?

A good knowledge translation plan should specify when, how and for what purpose the researchers and knowledge users will meet. This approach should produce research findings that are more likely to be directly relevant to and used by knowledge users. This is intended to inform activities that will raise awareness of the findings or promote implementation at the end of the grant.

Current recipients


Updated 4 years ago

A scientist at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute investigates how to prevent heart attacks